The Advising Process

The S&T Advising Center serves the campus by developing and implementing advising standards and procedures to enable all students to achieve educational life goals.

Advising & Registration (A&R)

The A&R Day is designed to complete the logistical aspects of enrollment for a student's first semester at Missouri S&T. Before arrival on campus, students will have completed Math Placement Exams in algebra and trigonometry. When on campus, each student will meet with an academic advisor in their chosen field to review their scores and select their courses for the upcoming semester.

ACADEMIC PLACEMENT: Before A&R, all new students take Missouri S&T’s Math Placement Exams to assist in selecting appropriate classes. Students are encouraged to review algebra and trigonometry before their exams. Students whose degree requires calculus and are currently enrolled in high school algebra or trigonometry are encouraged to attend early April or June sessions to allow them more time with the material before testing.

COURSE SELECTION AND ADVISING: Advising with an academic advisor will enable students to select appropriate courses and review academic policies and degree requirements. All placement scores will be provided to advisors before the advising session, along with a high school transcript, any AP (Advanced Placement Program), CLEP ( College-Level Examination Program), or other college credit the student has completed or is enrolled in. Each faculty advisor will advise multiple students and be provided with upperclassmen volunteers.

SUMMER ACADEMIC WORKSHOPS: Depending on Math Placement Exam scores, a student may be offered participation in Fast Track to Calculus. This workshop has additional costs but offers students an opportunity to increase their initial math placement through instruction, practice, and an additional placement testing opportunity.


Your freshman advisor's top priority is your academic success. You'll meet with your advisor in the fall and again in the spring to select courses and discuss any problems. Your advisor will suggest an appropriate load (number of credit hours), help you to select humanities & social sciences courses to meet university requirements, direct you to various campus resources and help you make decisions that affect your academic progress.

Before advising week, you will get an email from the Registrar's office reminding you to set up an appointment with your advisor. Your advisor will email you when it’s time to start meeting with them to schedule next semester’s courses. Schedule an appointment with your advisor early. Meeting with your advisor is a requirement before registering for the semester. If you don't meet with your advisor, an advising hold will prevent you from registering.


Once a department has accepted students, they will be assigned a new advisor. Many times in a student’s academic career, he/she must consult with an advisor. The advisor and student will discuss academic progress and career considerations throughout a student's academic career. Problems that affect a student’s academic performance should be discussed with the advisor. He or she can help resolve academic performance problems or direct the student to resources on campus. And of course, the two will need to select courses during pre-registration periods.