Passed. unknown Required. Source: VoteView.com.

The Yea votes represented 69% of the country’s population by apportioning each state’s population to its voting senators.

Ideology Vote Chart Democrat - Yea Republican - Yea Democrat - Nay Republican - Nay

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Vote Details

Our database of roll call votes from 1789-1989 (1990 for House votes) comes from an academic data source, VoteView.com, that has digitized paper records going back more than 200 years. Because of the difficulty of this task, the accuracy of these vote records is reduced.

From October 2014 through July 2015, we displayed incorrect vote totals in some cases. Although the total correctly reflected the announced positions of Members of Congress, the totals incorrectly included “paired” votes, which is when two Members of Congress, one planning to vote in favor and the other against, plan ahead of time to both abstain.

In addition, these records do not always distinguish between Members of Congress not voting (abstaining) from Members of Congress who were not eligible to vote because they had not yet taken office, or for other reasons. As a result, you may see extra not-voting entries and in these cases Senate votes may show more than 100 senators listed!

“Aye” and “Yea” mean the same thing, and so do “No” and “Nay”. Congress uses different words in different sorts of votes.

The U.S. Constitution says that bills should be decided on by the “yeas and nays” (Article I, Section 7). Congress takes this literally and uses “yea” and “nay” when voting on the final passage of bills.

All Senate votes use these words. But the House of Representatives uses “Aye” and “No” in other sorts of votes.

Download as CSV New York None" voter_group_2="Republican" > New York None" voter_group_2="Republican" >
Vote State Party Representative Score
Yea NM D Anderson, Clinton
Yea NV D Bible, Alan
Yea ND D Burdick, Quentin
Yea WV D Byrd, Robert
Yea NV D Cannon, Howard
Yea CO D Carroll, John Albert
Yea ID D Church, Frank
Yea PA D Clark, Joseph
Yea CT D Dodd, Thomas
Yea IL D Douglas, Paul
Yea CA D Engle, Clair
Yea NC D Ervin, Samuel
Yea TN D Gore, Albert
Yea AK D Gruening, Ernest
Yea MI D Hart, Philip
Yea IN D Hartke, Rupert
Yea WY D Hickey, John
Yea AL D Hill, Joseph
Yea MN D Humphrey, Hubert
Yea WA D Jackson, Henry
Yea SC D Johnston, Olin
Yea NC D Jordan, Benjamin
Yea TN D Kefauver, Carey
Yea OK D Kerr, Robert
Yea MO D Long, Edward
Yea HI D Long, Oren
Yea LA D Long, Russell
Yea WA D Magnuson, Warren
Yea MT D Mansfield, Mike
Yea WY D McGee, Gale
Yea MI D McNamara, Patrick
Yea MT D Metcalf, Lee
Yea OK D Monroney, Almer
Yea OR D Morse, Wayne
Yea UT D Moss, Frank
Yea ME D Muskie, Edmund
Yea OR D Neuberger, Maurine
Yea RI D Pastore, John
Yea RI D Pell, Claiborne
Yea WI D Proxmire, William
Yea WV D Randolph, Jennings
Yea MA D Smith, Benjamin
Yea AL D Sparkman, John
Yea MO D Symington, Stuart
Yea GA D Talmadge, Herman
Yea NJ D Williams, Harrison
Yea TX D Yarborough, Ralph
Yea OH D Young, Stephen
Yea MD R Beall, James Glenn
Yea DE R Boggs, James
Yea CT R Bush, Prescott
Yea KS R Carlson, Frank
Yea NJ R Case, Clifford
Yea KY R Cooper, John
Yea HI R Fong, Hiram
Yea NY R Javits, Jacob
Yea NY R Keating, Kenneth
Yea KY R Morton, Thruston
Yea MA R Saltonstall, Leverett
Yea PA R Scott, Hugh
Yea ME R Smith, Margaret
Yea WI R Wiley, Alexander
Yea ND R Young, Milton
Nay VA D Byrd, Harry
Nay MS D Eastland, James
Nay LA D Ellender, Allen
Nay FL D Holland, Spessard
Nay OH D Lausche, Frank
Nay AR D McClellan, John
Nay VA D Robertson, Absalom
Nay GA D Russell, Richard
Nay FL D Smathers, George
Nay MS D Stennis, John
Nay VT R Aiken, George
Nay UT R Bennett, Wallace
Nay NH R Bridges, Henry
Nay MD R Butler, John
Nay IN R Capehart, Homer
Nay SD R Case, Francis
Nay NH R Cotton, Norris
Nay NE R Curtis, Carl
Nay IL R Dirksen, Everett
Nay ID R Dworshak, Henry
Nay NE R Hruska, Roman
Nay CA R Kuchel, Thomas
Nay IA R Miller, Jack
Nay SD R Mundt, Karl
Nay KS R Schoeppel, Andrew
Nay SC D Thurmond, Strom
Nay DE R Williams, John James
No Vote AK D Bartlett, Bob
No Vote TX D Blakley, William
No Vote NM D Chavez, Dennis
No Vote AR D Fulbright, James William
No Vote AZ D Hayden, Carl
No Vote MN D McCarthy, Eugene
No Vote AZ R Goldwater, Barry
No Vote IA R Hickenlooper, Bourke
No Vote VT R Prouty, Winston
Present CO R Allott, Gordon

Statistically Notable Votes

Statistically notable votes are the votes that are most surprising, or least predictable, given how other members of each voter’s party voted.