
How to make a complaint to the European Data Protection Supervisor?

The European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) investigates complaints from individuals about the processing of their personal data carried out by EU institutions, bodies, offices and agencies (EU institutions).

Who can complain?

Subject of the complaint

A complaint to the EDPS can only relate to the processing of personal data by an EU institution. The processing of personal data by a public or private entity of an EU Member State does not fall under the EDPS’ competences.

Additional conditions

Before complaining to the EDPS, the complainant should first contact and try to resolve the matter with the data protection officer (DPO) of the EU institution in question.

A complaint must be made within two years of the date when the matter first came to the attention of the person lodging the complaint.

What the European Data Protection Supervisor cannot do

The processing of personal data that is the subject of a complaint must be carried out by one of the EU institutions. The EDPS cannot handle complaints concerning processing of personal data by national authorities in the EU Member States, private entities (those should be addressed to the relevant national data protection authority) and international organisations.

The EDPS is not competent to deal with:

How to submit a complaint?

1. Check the criteria - Go through our checklist on how to make a complaint. Make sure that the EDPS can actually handle your complaint.

Can the EDPS help me? If not, who else could?

If the EDPS is not able to help with the issue you are facing, there are other bodies at EU or national level that may be able to assist you.

Please use the filters below to check whether your complaint can be handled by the EDPS. If this is not the case, some other relevant authorities will be suggested to you.

Is your complaint against an EU institution, body, office or agency?

Is your complaint against a private organisation?

The EDPS cannot handle your complaint. We cannot investigate private organisations.

If you want to complain about the processing of personal data by other organisations (such
as private companies, non-profit organisations, etc.), the relevant European Data Protection Authority may be able to help you. You can find their contact details here.

For the contact details of other data protection authorities worldwide, please see the list of members of the International Conference of Data Protection & Privacy Commissioners.

You can also contact directly the data protection officer (DPO) of the company or the organisation regarding your complaint. You should find the DPO contact information in the company's or organisation’s Privacy Policy, usually available on their website.

You can also address your complaint directly to the courts in the relevant EU Member State.

The advice given in this interactive guide is for guidance only. If you are still unsure about where to turn with your complaint, or if, despite the advice given you believe that the matter could be dealt with at the European level, please feel free to contact the EDPS at

Is you complaint against a national public authority?

The EDPS cannot handle your complaint. We cannot investigate national authorities.

If you want to complain about the processing of personal data by national public authorities, the relevant European Data Protection Authority will be able to help you. You can find their contact details here.

For the contact details of other data protection authorities worldwide, please see the list of members of the International Conference of Data Protection & Privacy Commissioners.

You can also address your complaint directly to the courts in the relevant EU Member State.

In case of a negative decision or a lack of a decision by a national Data Protection Authority, you may address your complaint to the courts in the relevant EU Member State.

If you believe that a public authority of an EU Member State is in breach of EU law, you can address your complaint to the European Commission. In its role as guardian of the treaties, the European Commission can launch infringement proceedings against EU Member States that breach EU law. For more information, please see here.

If you believe that an EFTA Member State is in breach of EFTA law, you can address your complaint to the EFTA Surveillance Authority, which can launch infringement proceedings against EFTA Member States that breach rules covered under the EEA Agreement. For more information, please see here.

The advice given in this interactive guide is for guidance only. If you are still unsure about where to turn with your complaint, or if, despite the advice given you believe that the matter could be dealt with at the European level, please feel free to contact the EDPS at

Is you complaint against an international organisation?