Research Journal Article Editing & Scientific Journal Article Proofreading Services

How are language and journal article publishing related? Here’s how: The competition to publish articles in international peer-reviewed journals is more intensive than ever before. And to cope with the increasing number of submissions, journals employ stringent submission and peer review processes. In this scenario, the quality of language in your journal article is a critical factor—while your research may be of importance, poor English could result in initial rejection and publication delays.

How can journal article editing help you in successfully publishing an article?

Peer reviewers will be looking out for innovative research that is well-structured, well-written, and well-formatted. Having edited over 280,000 journal articles across 515 disciplines and thousands of journals, our editors know what it takes to successfully publish a journal article in a peer-reviewed journal. By ensuring that your paper is formatted correctly and that the language matches the journal’s standards, they can help you maximize your chances of getting published.

Three-step editing model

The Premium Editing and Scientific Editing services follow a three-step editing model.

Manuscript-Editor Pairing

An academic/scientific editor with specialized subject-area expertise is chosen to work on your article.

Editing and Journal Formatting

Your editor helps you prepare a submission-ready journal article by reviewing and correcting the following aspects.


You receive your edited journal article, review it, and contact your editor in case of any doubts or questions.

How it works

Appointing the right editors

Once you place an order, our quality control algorithms ensure that your manuscript is assigned to the most suitable editors with subject knowledge in your research domain.

The two-step edit process

Paper re-editing support

30% faster acceptance rate i


Advanced Editing

Premium Editing

Scientific Editing Pro

Corrects errors in grammar, spelling, and technical terminology. Improves sentence structure for better readability

Improves overall manuscript structure by correcting problems in the organization and flow of content. Free re-editing for 12 months.

Strengthens your overall research design based on advice from experts with journal peer review experience. Includes a detailed content review report.

Services Available

Sentence by sentence correction of grammar

Consistency & accuracy of domain specific terminology

In-depth check for format, terminologies and citations by a subject area experts

Improvements in structure, logic & flow of content

EDITAGE EXCLUSIVE Expert recommendation and content improvements by peer reviewers

PREMIUM FEATURE Response letter check and multiple rounds of journal formatting

Protects you from post submission rejects

$0.026/word (after 35% discount)

Premium editing by editors with average 20+ years' experience

Recommended for

Authors who have organized their content and only want sentence-level language editing.

Authors who have limited experience in writing well-organized papers for journals.

Authors targeting top-class journals which have high standards for research content.

Additional services

Edit and review by 2 editors

Editing certificate to submit to your target journal sample

Q&A with your editor

EDITAGE EXCLUSIVE Editor Consultation on Call

$200 (after 20% discount)

$200 (after 20% discount)

Formatting as per target journal guidelines

Multiple journals FREE

1 round (@60% discount) for 365 days

Unlimited for 12 Months FREE

Unlimited for 12 Months FREE

Plagiarism check report sample

Unlimited rounds FREE

Scientific review report sample






years of experience

Start your publication journey now

FAQ Recommendations:

• High-quality language editing and detailed review by 2 native English editors
• In-depth language, structure, logic, flow, and readability improvements
• Flexible delivery plans, affordable prices, and 3 English editing services to suit every need
• Unlimited and free re-editing with Premium Editing and Scientific Editing services
• Editage-only benefits like Unlimited Q&A, Journal Formatting, and an Editing Certificate
• Exclusive add-on services such as Editor Consultation on Call, Response Letter Check, Plagiarism Check, Artwork Preparation, and more!

Our English editing services are suitable for all authors who wish to polish their manuscripts before submission and increase their chances of journal acceptance. From researchers who are targeting high-impact journals to authors who only require sentence-level editing, we’ve got services designed for every need, budget, and delivery time. Click here to get started by choosing an English editing service.

Yes, we offer re-editing support, which includes proofreading, depending on the type of service you choose. If you select our Advanced Editing service, you will receive discounted re-editing support. If you choose Premium Editing or Scientific Editing service, you can avail free and unlimited re-editing support for 365 days. To know more about the scope of re-editing and the eligibility criteria, please check the Premium Editing and Scientific Editing services.

Editage is available for editing on weekends and holidays too, in case you need your manuscript edited urgently. If you have any questions regarding the delivery of your edited paper, please feel free to write to us at or call us at +1 (833) 979-0061.

Editage’s journal article editing services will see to it that your scientific paper meets the industry’s accepted language quality standards for publication. At Editage, we believe that excellent science deserves to be read and published. Our Journal Article Editing and Proofreading Services are designed to ensure your manuscript is well-written and free of errors that may potentially dilute the impact of your research. By solving grammar and language issues before submission and improving readability, this service improves your chances of getting published in your target journal.

The cost of your editing project is determined primarily by your choice of editing service and delivery plan as well as your document’s word count. The total cost may also change if you’ve selected additional services or applied existing discounts. Click here to upload your manuscript and check the cost of editing your manuscript. Alternatively, you can also head over to our pricing page for an estimate of our service cost based on your manuscript’s word count.