Armstrong county department of planning and development

Armstrong County has recognized the need to find ways to halt the spread of blighted properties throughout its many communities. Our Blight Remediation Program helps address the problem of run down and dilapidated properties within the county. One useful tool has been the development of the Redevelopment Authority of the County of Armstrong Land Bank .

The Armstrong County Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance (SALDO) guides the process for developing and reviewing subdivision and land development plans within the county. Our office provides support to the Armstrong County Planning Commission for plan review and for the administration of the SALDO. We are here to walk you through the process from start to finish.

Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance
Application Form
Current Fee Schedule Waiver/Modification Request Form Uniform Construction Code Group

The Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code (UCC), Act 45 of 1999, became law in 2004 and provides uniform standards for new construction and renovations throughout the state. Over 90% of Pennsylvania's 2,562 municipalities have elected to administer and enforce the UCC locally using their own employees or via certified third party agencies (private code enforcement agencies) that they have retained. Thirty-five local municipalities have elected to jointly administer the UCC through participation in the Armstrong County UCC Group. The Group contracts with Bureau Veritas to provide third party inspection services for a set fee schedule. Participating Municipalities receive competitive fees for inspection services, access to an appeals board, and County support. Individuals seeking information on construction requirements or building permits in participating municipalities may contact Bureau Veritas at 724-548-1414 or 866-378-7717.

Municipal Directory

The Armstrong County Municipal Officials Directory lists all elected and appointed officials in each of the county’s forty five municipalities. The directory also provides contact information for all county officials as well as United States Senators and Congressman and Pennsylvania General Assembly members representing Armstrong County.

Local Government Assistance

The planning staff provides a variety of services to local municipalities. These services include assistance in the development of local ordinances, identifying state and Federal program opportunities and technical assistance in planning and zoning.