The Rules and Procedures governing dinei torah (arbitration proceedings) before the Beth Din of America.
To open a din torah case at the Beth Din of America, please click here. If you are not able to open a case online, you may use this application.
A statement of principles to which the Beth Din of America adheres in the administering of Get proceedings.
Form of binding arbitration agreement for the adjudication of disputes before a Beth Din panel.
This provision may be incorporated in contracts and settlement agreements, and provides for the resolution of disputes under such agreements before the Beth Din of America.
This document contains recommended language making a divorce settlement agreement contingent on the giving of a Get.
Website with information regarding the Beth Din of America Prenuptial Agreement, the single most effective solution to the agunah problem, including forms of the agreement.
This document contains recommended language for notification regarding the support obligation for prenups signed using forms after the May 2008 update.
This document contains a list of attorneys who have appeared in matters before the Beth Din of America.
A periodical that contains articles on Jewish jurisprudence and beit din practice, with a particular emphasis on the policies and practices of the Beth Din of America. Each issue of the Journal includes anonymized versions of actual din torah (arbitration) decisions issued by the Beth Din of America.
Anonymized versions of actual din torah (arbitration) decisions issued by the Beth Din of America, published periodically in The Journal of the Beth Din of America.
This decision of the Beth Din was published in Tradition. The article provides some background about Jewish law and severance, but does not necessarily reflect the views of all dayanim of the Beth Din of America. It is published here with permission of the Rabbinical Council of America.
A practical guide to dinei torah (arbitration proceedings) at the Beth Din of America.
A pamphlet published by the Beth Din of America explaining the din torah process.
A pamphlet published by the Beth Din of America explaining the process of Jewish divorce.
A pamphlet published by the Beth Din of America answering some of the most frequently asked questions about the Get process.
An article by Rabbi Mordechai Willig on the Halacha of Wills; the form of shtar chov drafted by Rabbi Willig to be executed in connection with a secular will; and a related article by Rabbi Aryeh Weil and Martin Shenkman including a version of the previously referenced form. The Beth Din recommends consultation with an estate lawyer concerning tax and secular law ramifications.
A form of heter iska, which allows for the charging of interest-like fees among Jews in business transactions.